A B O U T   the Computational Infrastructure
The Computational Infrastructure for Nuclear Astrophysics (CINA) is a cloud
computing system that enables researchers to: calculate
thermonuclear reaction rates from nuclear physics input; create and manage
customized rate libraries; modify & visualize rates; set up, execute, and
visualize element synthesis calculations; and share work with other Users in an online community.
Some of the main features of CINA include:
work with nuclear information, thermonuclear reaction rates, and simulations
operates "in the cloud" – you need an internet connection
forms a "virtual pipeline" to process laboratory results into astrophysical predictions
upload your information (cross sections, rates ...), process it, use in simulations
save your work on our server, quickly share with other Users
graphical user interface (GUI) is a platform-independent java application
easy-to-follow GUI
simplifies complex manipulations and tasks
automated studies of the sensitivity of simulations to reaction rate input
post-processing nucleosynthesis simulations for main sequence (pp, CNO), novae (Hot CNO, rp-process),
X-ray bursts (Hot CNO, alpha-p process, rp-process), supernovae (r-process)
nucleosynthesis "engine" is XNET code maintained by W.R. Hix
default reaction rate library -- JINA REACLIB v2.0 -- can be customized with your latest rates
system online since 2004 with Users from 126 institutions in 29 countries
new features are added at request of Users
registered Users get free disk space on our server and access to all functions
sample investigations available that are appropriate for
high school, college, and graduate school students
download JAVA graphical user interface for free at our site
For more information on our system, please download the
CINA Feature Guide, the
CINA Simulations Guide, and a
description of
CINA Sample Investigations.
The Computational Infrastructure for Nuclear Astrophysics team currently
includes Michael Smith (PI), Eric Lingerfelt (Lead Developer), Caroline Nesaraja,
and Christopher Smith. Funding provided by the U.S. Dept. of Energy, Office of Nuclear Physics
as part of the U.S. Nuclear Data Program.
For more information or questions on nucastrodata.org or the
Computational Infrastructure for Nuclear Astrophysics,
please contact the team by email at